Sunday 17 May 2009

Cooler & Windy

We seem to have taken a step backwards with the weather this last week. We have had cold winds and rain as well.

This weeks dinners have had to go back a step as well and be more warming, especially on days when the boys had had PE or football training.

Jobs have still had to be done despite the weather and yesterday as we had had a clear spell with no rain I cut the front grass; Tom started on the back garden, clearing some weeds and bits.

I have visions in my head as to how I want things to look but they are not getting there fast.

Today Dave and Tom have a football training session this morning as we are starting to get into tournament season, and both boys have a tournament on the weekend of 30/31 May.

David has this past week been doing his SATs which are a national test taken in Yr 6, and Tom has had in house assessments.

Dinner today will be roast chicken, dauphinoise potatoes and salad.

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad to know that I am not the only one with a vision of how I want things to look but not seeing it come together very quickly! Carry on the vision!!

